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Eli Jišaj

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Eli Jišaj

Eli Jišaj (* 26. prosince 1962, Jeruzalém, Izrael) je izraelský politik.


  • Konvertita, který konvertuje přes ortodoxii, židovský gen má. Pokud nekonvertoval přes ortodoxii, tak židovský gen nemá. Tak prosté to je.
    A convert, if he converts through the Orthodox, he has the Jewish gene. If he doesn't convert through the Orthodox, he doesn't have the Jewish gene. As simple as that.[1]


  1. ELDAR, Akiva. 'Jewish gene' theories make waves in Germany, go unnoticed in Israel. haaretz.com [online]. 2010-08-31 [cit. 2011-03-15]. Dostupné online.

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