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Ukázat (20 předchozích | ) (20 | 50 | 100 | 250 | 500).
  • moc korumpuje, a absolutní moc korumpuje absolutně. All power tends to corrupt and absolute power corrupts absolutely. — John Dalberg-Acton (v dopise Mandellu…
    7 KB (610 slov) - 26. 10. 2024, 05:03
  • Samantha Powerová (* 21. září 1970, Dublin) je americká novinářka, vědkyně, spisovatelka a diplomatka. Místo toho, aby usilovali o mír, Rusko a Asad válčí…
    1 KB (79 slov) - 11. 11. 2024, 02:39
  • you to see that power is not a bad thing. But having the power and not using it is a total waste. WOODS, Herriett. Stepping Up to Power: The Political…
    1 KB (90 slov) - 26. 9. 2023, 15:15
  • don't want to be queen for a day. We want to share the power. WOODS, Herriett. Stepping Up to Power: The Political Journey of American Women. [s.l.] : [s…
    854 bajtů (61 slov) - 2. 5. 2021, 10:41
  • moc korumpuje, a absolutní moc korumpuje absolutně. All power tends to corrupt and absolute power corrupts absolutely. — (v dopise biskupu Mandellu Creightonovi…
    2 KB (163 slov) - 26. 9. 2023, 15:28
  • people in the urban ghetto. — Stokely Carmichael, Stokely Speaks: From Black Power to Pan-Africanism Objektivní, vědecky zjistitelné rozdíly mezi populacemi…
    4 KB (317 slov) - 3. 12. 2024, 03:45
  • korupce jsou úplatkářství, protežování a zastrašování. All power tends to corrupt and absolute power corrupts absolutely. Všechna moc korumpuje, a absolutní…
    3 KB (332 slov) - 3. 12. 2024, 06:04
  • USA) byl americký politik. Vliv je stín moci. Influence is the shadow of power. DOMESTIC SOURCES OF AMERICAN FOREIGN POLI, THE: INSIGHTS AND EVIDENCE.…
    843 bajtů (58 slov) - 20. 9. 2023, 12:44
  • teacher inspires. ENNS, Kay. Teachers Take Heart: Hope, Inspiration, and Power for Teachers, Parents, and Child-Care Providers. [s.l.] : Xlibris Corporation…
    875 bajtů (60 slov) - 29. 12. 2022, 19:43
  • absolutně korumpuje; také fantasticky brzdí. ...not only does absolute power corrupt absolutely; it delays fantastically. CRANDALL, Robert W.; ECKAUS…
    895 bajtů (59 slov) - 24. 10. 2022, 20:51
  • principle than win standing for nothing. WOODS, Herriett. Stepping Up to Power: The Political Journey of American Women. [s.l.] : [s.n.], 1999. ISBN 0-8133-6815-4…
    924 bajtů (65 slov) - 17. 11. 2022, 23:29
  • Testament god with a lot of rules and no mercy. — Joseph Campbell, The power of myth PEKELIS, Viktor Davidovič. O kybernetice. Překlad dr. Miroslava…
    5 KB (362 slov) - 26. 9. 2023, 15:43
  • vychází z hlavně pušky.“ Every Communist must grasp the truth; "Political power grows out of the barrel of a gun." — Mao Ce-tung, Malá červená kniha Citace…
    822 bajtů (79 slov) - 2. 12. 2024, 06:58
  • with a lot of rules and no mercy. CAMPBELL, Joseph; MOYERS, Bill D. The power of myth. [s.l.] : Doubleday, 1988. (angličtina)  Encyklopedický článek Joseph…
    1 KB (70 slov) - 25. 9. 2023, 03:33
  • k udržení se u moci. Every dictator uses religion as a prop to keep himself in power. — Bénazír Bhuttová (1986) Benazir Bhutto in her own words. news.bbc.co…
    793 bajtů (57 slov) - 8. 12. 2024, 05:46
  • moci. (1986) Every dictator uses religion as a prop to keep himself in power. Benazir Bhutto in her own words. news.bbc.co.uk [online]. 2007-12-28 [cit…
    1 000 bajtů (63 slov) - 1. 3. 2024, 19:42
  • nedílnou součástí téže věci. Racial discrimination, South Africa`s economic power, its oppression and exploitation of all the black peoples, are part and…
    928 bajtů (79 slov) - 5. 12. 2023, 18:13
  • that most historians had scarcely known existed. These radical ideas about power and liberty, and deeply rooted fears of conspiracy, had propelled Americans…
    1 KB (106 slov) - 24. 10. 2022, 20:52
  • that most historians had scarcely known existed. These radical ideas about power and liberty, and deeply rooted fears of conspiracy, had propelled Americans…
    1 KB (106 slov) - 26. 9. 2023, 15:30
  • out for the plight of the individual against the oppressive apparatus of power […] — Nick Dixon A Message from Oliver, Oliver Anthony Music [cit. 2023-08-28]…
    2 KB (188 slov) - 21. 11. 2024, 05:00
Ukázat (20 předchozích | ) (20 | 50 | 100 | 250 | 500).