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Benjamin Zephaniah

Z Wikicitátů
Benjamin Zephaniah (2010)

Benjamin Zephaniah (* 15. srpna 1958, Birmingham, Anglie) je britský rastafariánský básník a zpěvák.


  • Spousta lidí se snaží tvrdit, že debata o multikulturalismu nemá nic společného s rasismem. Nevěřím jim.
    A lot of people are trying to say that the debate about multiculturalism has nothing to do with racism. I don't believe them.[1]


  1. Benjamin Zephaniah: 'A lot of people are trying to say that the debate about multiculturalism has nothing to do with racism. I don't believe them' – video. guardian.co.uk [online]. 2012-10-01 [cit. 2013-04-01]. Dostupné online.

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