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  • moudrost, abych rozeznal jedno od druhého. God grant me the serenity to accept the things I cannot change, courage to change the things I can, and the…
    1 KB (144 slov) - 26. 9. 2023, 15:46
  • expect people who listen to Emerson, Lake, and Palmer to come hear me. I accept that reality. Music Quotes [online]. Blues for Peace, [cit. 2016-03-26]…
    918 bajtů (79 slov) - 24. 10. 2022, 20:41
  • expect people who listen to Emerson, Lake, and Palmer to come hear me. I accept that reality. —Cecil Taylor Music Quotes [online]. Blues for Peace, [cit…
    896 bajtů (80 slov) - 19. 12. 2023, 11:07
  • přijmout. I was unique in that I was a kind of black that white people could accept. Stormy Weather singer Lena Horne dies age 92, 10. 5. 2010, telegraph.co…
    891 bajtů (74 slov) - 15. 1. 2022, 17:07
  • příběhu o stvoření. If we take the Bible seriously but not literally, we can accept the central biblical message without accepting the prescientific cosmology…
    1 KB (134 slov) - 24. 10. 2022, 20:56
  • this growth of national consciousness is a political fact. We must all accept it as a fact. Our national policies must take account of it. — (před jihoafrickým…
    2 KB (157 slov) - 22. 2. 2024, 04:07
  • When we talk about the practice of Zionism, the first thing that I can’t accept is the Nakba. The Nakba, where 90 percent of our people either escaped or…
    2 KB (159 slov) - 13. 10. 2023, 02:07
  • Paříže či Říma. Z toho by jistě byl velký mezinárodní poprask. We cannot accept the fact that Jews wouldn't be entitled to live and buy anywhere in Jerusalem…
    4 KB (421 slov) - 26. 9. 2023, 15:27
  • When we talk about the practice of Zionism, the first thing that I can’t accept is the Nakba. The Nakba, where 90 percent of our people either escaped or…
    4 KB (459 slov) - 26. 9. 2023, 15:49
  • tedy nemůžeme souhlasit s takovým nařízením ani v Jeruzalémě. (We cannot accept the fact that Jews wouldn't be entitled to live and buy anywhere in Jerusalem…
    5 KB (631 slov) - 13. 12. 2023, 08:07
  • from Facebook for mentioning Tommy Robinson, and stating that we should accept others’ opinions even if we don’t agree with them. Voice of Europe, 2018-03-24…
    140 KB (12 731 slov) - 7. 2. 2024, 21:07