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- One Asian will do the hunting, another will fish, the third will scrounge for vegetation, the fourth will cook dinner, and the fifth will gather firewood…2 KB (258 slov) - 15. 12. 2023, 22:10
- built before this century will destroy the rich potential that lies in the future, and cities will become museums. LARKHAM, Peter J.. Conservation and the…995 bajtů (83 slov) - 24. 10. 2022, 21:16
- or they hate it. If they love it, they will always love it. If they don't, they may learn to love it, but it will never become part of their soul. — Edward…3 KB (322 slov) - 12. 11. 2024, 05:57
- Arnošt Lustig, Propast Bůh je začátek i konec. — ilyrské přísloví VEBER, Petr. Recenze: Olga Pereťjaťko zazpívá i loutku bravurně. hn.ihned.cz [online]…3 KB (233 slov) - 26. 9. 2023, 15:57
- budou klacky a kameny. I do not know the weapons with which World War III will be fought, but I can assure you that World War IV will be fought with sticks…13 KB (1 253 slov) - 19. 11. 2024, 07:01
- not worth stating, and to end with something so paradoxical that no one will believe it. BABOROVÁ, Víťa. Budoucnost bude dlážděná trním. Kultura. Naše…2 KB (229 slov) - 10. 4. 2024, 01:07
- v tom, že jedno kolo je třeba boháčům vzít a dát ho těm, co ho nemají. — Petr Nárožný Není člověka, jenž by svobody nemiloval, avšak spravedlivý ji žádá…19 KB (1 697 slov) - 14. 11. 2024, 22:12
- idea that a new building replacing the old one will somehow be magically maintenance-free. LARKHAM, Peter J.. Conservation and the City. [s.l.] : Routledge…2 KB (201 slov) - 24. 10. 2022, 21:14
- I saw this on Twitter I couldn't believe it I couldn't believe that he was gone I couldn't believe that he was blaming you. And I know that this will…140 KB (12 663 slov) - 23. 11. 2024, 12:41
- lepší, svůj pokoj. When Christ was about to leave the world he made his will. His soul he committed to his Father; his body he bequeathed to Joseph, to…41 KB (4 402 slov) - 19. 10. 2024, 17:07
- ale začátkem pravého života, a já zemřu s vírou v boží vůli a milost. — Willi Graf Přátelství je milost a ta milost přináší sebou další milosti. L'amitié…8 KB (576 slov) - 26. 9. 2023, 15:35
- (proslov v Dolní sněmovně, 13. květen 1940) You ask, what is our policy? I will say: It is to wage war, by sea, land and air, with all our might and with…15 KB (1 848 slov) - 29. 11. 2024, 09:40
- vyobcovali a pak jsme se divili, když si nakonec s sebou vzali i svou zem - pohraničí. — Willy Lorenz Neprojdou! — heslo Pohraniční stráže Nežiju v Praze…22 KB (2 840 slov) - 23. 3. 2024, 01:07
- jsou naprosto ochotni dát někomu jinému zemi někoho jiného. Will Rogers One thing I will say for the Germans, they are always perfectly willing to give…24 KB (2 919 slov) - 5. 10. 2024, 06:19
- repugnant to nature; contumely to God, a thing most contrary to his revealed will and approved ordinance; and finally, it is the subversion of good order,…14 KB (1 577 slov) - 25. 10. 2024, 14:07